This is a song.
Of course it's not.
WHY in English?
Well it happens that I am going to take an English test recently, and after a few trial tests I realized that my English had been getting worse and worser and worser and worse... I did realized about this probably from few months back, when I find it hard to come out with the correct words when I was in the middle of a conversation. Someone told me that this is probably due to I have been using Japanese too much ( :o ) but in fact I am still in an English environmental most of the time, I attend lectures in English, I write reports in English, I read English reference books, I speak English with my French Indonesian Spanish Vietnamese Phillipines Thai Japanese or even Malaysian friends. Maybe because I don't bother much about using proper English all the while, just simply throw out any word that comes into my mind the time when I need it. So I am in a big trouble now. The test is only few more days away, and I don't think it helps even if I try hard to swallow 100 vocabularies everyday. I should have remembered earlier about the test :'( But anyway what the big deal, just a test. I can always re-sit if I want to (of course I am not going to..). Since English is my second language now ( some even thought that it's my native language, OMG I should feel ashamed..) I think I should catch up for my own good. Anyway I am going to utilize English again in the near future and not Japanese. I remembered the time when I utilized English the most, it was not during my time in Xfab, but it was back to form 4-5, when we were "forced" to write diary in English and submit to our English teacher (I still can remember his face! UNBELIEVABLE!) every weekend. Some students might just simply write a sentence or two since there is no obligation to come out with a nice essay or whatsoever. But I think I did put the whole of my heart writing about things happening around me everyday. And the amazing part is, despite my bad handwritings and all the bullshit stories, the teacher actually did read everything, and he even left some comments sometimes. I dont know about others, but I do appreciate when I get those comments, though it's just blaze of feelings most of the times. Somehow I even can feel the "understanding" from his eyes when he looked at me ;)) Probably due to the "over-training", whenever I wrote in English I tend to write forever..Especially during exam times, whenever I saw a title which I can think of a storyline I would start writing a novel but due to the time limit, the stories always end up with bad endings because I have to chop off my flowing ideas halfway in order to stop writing =)) But then I hardly practise since I left the school, and yet I still believe that my English level will maintain at the same level forever. Naive. Naive. Naive. So let's see how long i can keep up with the habit, a sentence per day at least, hopefully. Someone suggested that I can actually add an English version of each blog entry, but in fact it doesn't seem right to me. Sometimes there are things that you just cannot describe using other words other than Chinese. Those I possess was luck, those I've lost is life. arrrrrgg...How weird.. (Zhang ah Xuan is going to kill me for translating her nice words into such a shit haha..)
ps: I believe there are many grammar mistakes (who cares?), since I am preparing for test now please feel free to correct me TQ ^__^
ps2: hmm perhaps I should start listening to some English songs, or watching some English movies?
or dream an English dream.. with snow :D